Art Gallery / Kunstgalleri.

Lisbet Lark is an earlier abstract drawer and painter. In 2012 She began being able to draw with the white painting after being allergic to a preservative, which preserved the white color since 1995. The white colour is used to create deepness and perspektive in a painting, and being able to tone out the colours with the white colour is  alpha and omega, when you need to paint naturalistic. Dued to reumatism in her hands she´s  a slow painter and drawer, and she also do a lot of work within other kinds of art, so her painting production is small, but recognized, every now and then she finishes something new. Always developing new ways of painting / drawing and within new kinds of artmedias and materials. She works from orders, as she don´t have so much storage capacity, please go to contact site in menu for ordering artworks.

Lisbet Lark is also creates art within a lot of different medias and on a highly recognized  level, therefore she has a low production within each of them.

Sub-sites in menu under this item, "Art Gallery", therefore is art media devided.


If you are interested in buying or ordering artworks, please, write to herself through our contact page, prices are in Danish kroner, DKK:

Kontakt / Contact

Link to short Artist CV:

You´ll find a full CV here:



 Kontakt / Contact


Latest price increase: June 1st 2015, November 1st 2015, Nov 30th 2015, April 6th 2016 and May 5th 2016.

The short story about Lisbet Lark and art:

By incident at her age of 44, somebody discovered that she had some inborn artistically skills within arts crafts and music and she started creating abstract "perceptionistic" paintings, and inventing and creating woven heart art and writing music and lyrics in 2009.

After having her own little gallery in Northern Jutland for 3 years, family circumstances forced her to move back to her birth city, Copenhagen, in 2012, where she decided to begin sending her artworks in for juries.

Her very first juried exhibition as a painter at all was at the London Art Biennale 2013, Jan 2013 in Chelsea Old Town Hall, as an abstract painter with her self-invented kind of optically illusions: "Half- aside"-paintings. But already in 2012 her paper art were selected for jurieds shows in Hungary and USA. In 2012, she also sent her very first specimen of naturalistic drawing, a sketch for a painting, "Abandoned," on a travelling exhibition in Germany, which should have only taken one year. But after a year, she received a meassage, that artwork would be travelling for a few years more, and it is still travelling:


"Reasons for continuing participation in the travelling exhibition: ”Anfang- Abschied- Ende- Anfang” in Germany in 2014 for artists, who are inspired by crisis and are able to express themselves within the above mentioned themes:

Artwork "Abandoned”, künstlerin: Lisbet Lark, Dänemark, Schwarze Tinte auf Karton. Wir sehen auf einmal eine brillante optische Täuschung, ein Gefühl, dass die Tür zur Realität schlägt gegen uns - und auf einmal der Eindruck von einer Künstlerin mit einem großen Sinn für andere Menschen und die Zeit. "Abandoned" ist Immer aktuell. Ein klassiker. Wer können sich nicht in "Abandoned" ("Verlassen") erkennen? Seit Anfang 2013 weil die Ausstellung "Anfang-Abschied-End-Anfang" in Deutschland gereist hast, die Dänische ehemalige Abstraktmalerin zu eine Illustratorin von internationalen Format, Standard und Potenzial entwickelt hat. Lisbet Lark beherrscht sowohl die Schmerzen, Nachdenklichkeit, Humor, Subtilität, Liebe und Einfachheit in eine einzigen bewegenden Linie - ein seltenes Talent, nicht nur durch ihren Zeichnungen, aber auch durch ihre gesamte künstlerische Karriere, die angeboren facetterenreiche künstlerischen Fähigkeiten beinhaltet. "
Für die kontinuierliche Reisende Ausstellung "Anfang- Abschied- Ende- Anfang" in Deutschland im Jahr 2014, wählen wir die absolutte künstlerische Volltreffer, beliebtesten, schönsten illustrationen "Abandoned" (Verlassen) von Lisbet Lark, Dänemark.”

In 2015 "Abandoned" is still travelling in Germany on 3rd year.

Already from 2011 to 2012 she sent one of her very specimen of woven heart art "Peace and harmony" at a travelling exhibition from Australia to USA.

From 2012- 2015 she continued developing herself from an abstract drawer and painter and into a naturalistic drawer and painter. Very first juried exhibition as a naturalistisk painter was at The london art Biennale 2015 with her very first painting of a naked person, "Nude in the 21st century1, which were painted in the first of  her record high number of naturalistic illustration lines invented in year 2015, which till now counts 7! :





  • Several of Lisbet Lark´s paper artworks and phoems has been in a couple of art books published in Denmark and Germany.


  • Several of her artworks both paper artworks and paintings / drawings have been published on postcards, posters, T-shirts, notebooks, a. s. o.


  • In year 2016 She and her artistically universe shown on this website is seleceted to be in an upcoming big international world wide distributed artbook, "Current Masters" which will be published by a big american artbook publisher house.